Articles Posted in FINRA

Tennessee Financial Advisor Barred By FINRA
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA has announced on its website that it has barred Tennessee financial advisor D. Wray Rodgers of Collierville. According to FINRA’s Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent, Mr. Rodgers was registered with the firm Vining-Sparks IBG, LLC, and FINRA had begun an investigation regarding “whether Rodgers engaged in an outside business activity without providing prior…

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North Carolina Broker Christopher J. Carpenter barred by FINRA
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA announced last month that it has barred Charlotte, North Carolina based financial advisor Christopher J. Carpenter. The FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent states that Mr. Carpenter failed to produce documents or information requested in response to a FINRA investigation. The investigation allegedly was initiated in response to a Uniform Termination Notice for…

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NASAA Warns Investors About Single Stock ETFs
Greco & Greco, P.C.

Our securities fraud blog has previously addressed the risks to investors regarding inverse and leveraged ETFs. A new type of ETF has emerged, however, which can carry even higher risks. The North American Securities Administrators Association recently issued an advisory to investors regarding single stock ETFs. Inverse and leveraged single stock ETFs are complex instruments…

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California Edward Jones Advisor Suspended for Customer Loans
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA recently suspended an Edward Jones financial advisor from Sunset Beach, California for borrowing money from a customer without firm authorization. The FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent against Scott P. Smith can be found here. According to the AWC, Mr. Smith borrowed money in five different loans from a single customer without advising…

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New Jersey broker Craffy barred by FINRA
Greco & Greco, P.C.

New Jersey securities broker Carz Levinski Craffey (aka Caz Craffy) was recently barred from the securities industry by securities regulator FINRA. Mr. Craffy had been registered with Monmouth Capital Management and previously was registered with Newbridge Securities Corp. Mr. Craffy’s Brokercheck report from FINRA discloses that he was discharged by Monmouth for failing to “disclose…

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Western International Censured and Fined for non-traded REIT sales
Greco & Greco, P.C.

After being charged by the SEC with Regulation Best Interest violations relating to GWG, Western International Securities has now been censured and fined by FINRA for a different alternative investment product – non traded REITs. REITs – Real Estate Investment Trusts – are investment companies that invest in a portfolio of various real estate properties.…

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Janney Montgomery Scott fined by FINRA for Oil and Gas MLP Concentration
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA censured, fined, and ordered restitution payments from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania based Janney Montgomery Scott last month. The Letter of Acceptance Waiver and Consent (AWC) discussed how two of Janney’s advisors “recommended that 11 customers unsuitably concentrate their accounts in certain energy-sector securities, including master limited partnerships focused on the exploration or development of natural resources”…

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J.P. Morgan Broker Edward Turley Barred from Industry by FINRA
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA recently issued a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent relating to J.P. Morgan broker Edward Turley from San Francisco, California that resulted in Mr. Turley being barred from the securities industry by FINRA. The letter alleges that Mr. Turley has been registered with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC since 2009, and that he was terminated…

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Anthony (Tony) Liddle of Oshkosh Wisconsin Barred by FINRA for Loans from Customers
Greco & Greco, P.C.

FINRA recently barred Oshkosh, Wisconsin broker Anthony (Tony) Liddle who was registered with Landolt Securities. The FINRA AWC states that it allegedly learned that Mr. Liddle had borrowed $1.8 million dollars from 13 customers, and that Mr. Liddle agreed to the FINRA bar. FINRA Rules and most state securities regulations generally ban securities advisors from…

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Greco & Greco represented me several years ago in a case in which my financial planner ignored my investment guidelines in making several very risky investments in my name. This individual was employed by a very large financial services corporation which refused to return my funds. I retained Greco...


Very professional and compassionate representation by this firm. Communication was clear and concise. This firm has a high degree of integrity and knowledge of SEC law. Highly recommend.


Very good attorney - client communication. Great legal representation. Satisfying results.


Scott Greco was very professional, and honest. I highly recommend this firm. Scott Greco explained everything in a way I could understand, and I never left the office with unanswered questions. If I ever need any other legal representation Greco & Greco, P.C will be my only choice.

Anonymous | Hired Firm

W. Scott Greco represented me in my attempt to recover money lost in a ponzi scheme. He kindly and skillfully guided me through the process of submitting the required documentation of loss, provided sound legal advice regarding accepting arbitration, and kept me fully informed as the case moved...

Anonymous | Hired Firm

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